A B M Aminul Haque email & phone information | Chief Operation Officer, Operations in Pragati Electronics (2016-07 - Now)

A B M Aminul Haque
Chief Operation Officer, Operations in Pragati Electronics (2016-07 - Now)
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A B M Aminul Haque jobs:
Chief Operation Officer, Operations in Pragati Electronics (2016-07 - Now)
Coordinator in Bangladesh Women Chamber Of Commerce & Industry (2013-01 - 2014-11)
Renewable Energy Adviser- Bio Manure -Expert in Snv (2012-03 - 2012-08)
Chief Executive Officer in Coral Peninsula Eco Tour And Resort Dev Company (2010-07 - 2012-03)
Conservation Management Specialist in The Doe Fund,Inc (2007 - 2011)
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A B M Aminul Haque contact information:
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