A Batu Ataguenduez email & phone information | International Tenders Group Manager

A Batu Ataguenduez
International Tenders Group Manager
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A Batu Ataguenduez jobs:
International Tenders Group Manager
International Tenders Group Manager - Civil Engineer M.Sc - Contract Manager And Fidic Expert, Engineering in Yüksel Project International (2007-01 - Now)
Construction Supervision Of Okmeydanä Training And Research Hospital In Istanbul  Turkey, Health, Nursing in Yuksel Proje Uluslararasi A.Ş (2013-03 - 2016-11)
Procurement Specialist In World Bank - European Investment Bank - Rot Prime Ministry Piu, Finance, Investment in World Bank & European Investment Bank Procurement Specialist Civil Eng (1998-12 - 2006-12)
Contractor in Contractor (1998-06 - 1998-12)
+ 3 more
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