A Fabrizio Cannella email & phone information | Collaboratore Attivita Formative Forma Temp in Jobbing Centre (2019-01 - Now)

A Fabrizio Cannella
Collaboratore Attivita Formative Forma Temp in Jobbing Centre (2019-01 - Now)
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A Fabrizio Cannella jobs:
Collaboratore Attivita Formative Forma Temp in Jobbing Centre (2019-01 - Now)
Architetto Consulente Tecnico, Beni Culturali, Formazione E Lavoro in Aziende Associate (2016-01 - Now)
Collaboratore Attivitã Formative Sicilia Nellâ Ambito Dei Beni Culturali in Yous S.P.A. (2016-06 - Now)
Architetto in Libero Professionista (1988 - Now)
Property Manager, Real_Estate, Property_Management in Vh Costruzioni S.R.L (2014-09 - 2015-09)
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A Fabrizio Cannella contact information:
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