A Gordon Batiste email & phone information | Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT

A Gordon Batiste (66 years old)
Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT
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A Gordon Batiste jobs:
Stamford Yacht Club, Stamford, CT
Weekend Manager in Jakes Way Back Burgers Closed (2012-10 - 2015-03)
Kitchen Manager in Route 22 Restaurant (2009-05 - 2010-11)
Assistant Chef... in Stamford Yacht Club (2008-03 - 2010-04)
Broiler Line Cook in Mitchell’S Fish Market Restaurant (2007-02 - 2009-03)
A Gordon Batiste locations:
B'Delhi, New York'
United States, Connecticut, Stamford
United States, Connecticut, Stamford
B'Norwalk, Connecticut'
United States, Connecticut, New Haven
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A Gordon Batiste contact information:
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