A Jay Hersh email & phone information | New Product Introduction Specialist, Operations, Product in Heico Aerospace (2011-02 - Now)

A Jay Hersh
New Product Introduction Specialist, Operations, Product in Heico Aerospace (2011-02 - Now)
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A Jay Hersh jobs:
New Product Introduction Specialist, Operations, Product in Heico Aerospace (2011-02 - Now)
Retired Fuel Systems Craftsman in Us Air Force Reserve (2004-06 - 2017-01)
Supervisor Of Electrical Assembly, Trades in Hoover Pumping Systems (2007 - 2011)
Lead Electrician, Trades in International Surveillance Technology, Inc (2004 - 2006)
Crew Chief And Videographer, Media, Video in Us Navy (1997 - 2000)
+ 1 more
A Jay Hersh locations:
**** Amherst Dr Apt ****, Sagamore Hls Oh *****-****
Miami, Florida, United States
A Jay Hersh contact information:
3j*******@g****.com + 2 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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