A Joshua Sims email & phone information | Owner At Objectform in Objectform-Life (2001 - Now)

A Joshua Sims (53 years old)
Owner At Objectform in Objectform-Life (2001 - Now)
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A Joshua Sims jobs:
Owner At Objectform in Objectform-Life (2001 - Now)
Technical Translation Department Head in Psa Peugeot Citroën (2000-04 - 2003-03)
Boutique Visual Coordinator in Polo (1996-03 - 2000-04)
Giorgio Armani in Polo (1995-10 - 1996-03)
Primary Merchandiser in Calvin Klein Home (1994-03 - 1995-10)
+ 2 more
A Joshua Sims locations:
United States, Ohio, Akron
*** Storer Ave, Akron Oh *****-****
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
**.******, -**.******
Oh, Akron, *** Dorchester Rd
A Joshua Sims contact information:
2+19*******60 + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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