A Waheedah Akbar Shabazz Odiachi email & phone information | Public Relations Assistant, Public_Relations in Psg Management, Inc (2015-08 - Now)

A Waheedah Akbar Shabazz Odiachi (62 years old)
Public Relations Assistant, Public_Relations in Psg Management, Inc (2015-08 - Now)
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A Waheedah Akbar Shabazz Odiachi jobs:
Public Relations Assistant, Public_Relations in Psg Management, Inc (2015-08 - Now)
Environmental Services Worker in Indrotec/Hennepin County Medical Center (2013-08 - Now)
Cafeteria Assistant And Building And Facilities Maintenance, Operations in Indrotec Staffing And Workforce Management (2013-01 - Now)
Tax Specialist Ll And Office Leader : H R Block And Manager: Mcdonald'S Franchise Restaurants in H&R Block (2005-12 - Now)
Producer And Agent, Media in Primerica (2011-06 - Now)
+ 7 more
A Waheedah Akbar Shabazz Odiachi locations:
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
**.*******, -**.*******
Mn, Saint Paul, *** Ohio St
United States, Minnesota, Saint Paul
United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis
A Waheedah Akbar Shabazz Odiachi contact information:
4d***********@y****.com + 3 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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