Aaf Bill Schaffer Aifd email & phone information | Owner - Creative Director, Design, Product_Design in Schaffer Designs (2007-01 - Now)

Aaf Bill Schaffer Aifd
Owner - Creative Director, Design, Product_Design in Schaffer Designs (2007-01 - Now)
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Aaf Bill Schaffer Aifd jobs:
Owner - Creative Director, Design, Product_Design in Schaffer Designs (2007-01 - Now)
Contributing Writer, Media, Writing in Wildflower Media (2016-11 - Now)
Innovations Team Designer, Design in The Gems Group (2014-08-01 - Now)
Design And Studio Director, Design in Beautiful Blooms (2008-03 - 2011-11)
Owner And Operator, Creative Director And Lead Designer, Design, Product_Design in Alexander'S Flower Shop And Forget-Me-Not Flower Shop (1991-08 - 2007-12)
Aaf Bill Schaffer Aifd locations:
United States
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Aaf Bill Schaffer Aifd contact information:
2b***@t***********.com + 1 more
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