Aahid Linda Porter Bishop email & phone information | Principal And Founder in Restorative Environments (2012-04 - Now)

Aahid Linda Porter Bishop (48 years old)
Principal And Founder in Restorative Environments (2012-04 - Now)
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Aahid Linda Porter Bishop jobs:
Principal And Founder in Restorative Environments (2012-04 - Now)
Program Manager, Center For Healthcare Improvement, Operations in Hamad Medical Corporation (2010-01 - 2012-05)
Associate Principal in Granary Associates (2009-01 - 2009-06)
Interiors Studio Leader, Senior Id in Watkins Hamilton Ross Houston Tx Usa (2004-12 - 2008-11)
Director Of Interiors in Fkp Architects, Inc. (1998-01 - 2004-11)
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Aahid Linda Porter Bishop locations:
*** Hickory St, Oxford Ms *****-****
**.*****, -**.******
Tx, Houston, ***** Denise Dr
Houston, Texas, United States
Aahid Linda Porter Bishop contact information:
2+17*******94 + 1 more
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