Azzurra Carpo email & phone information | Teaching Assistant in Harvard University (2015-02 - Now)

Azzurra Carpo
Teaching Assistant in Harvard University (2015-02 - Now)
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Azzurra Carpo jobs:
Teaching Assistant in Harvard University (2015-02 - Now)
Glt Language And Culture Instructor, Education, Professor in Foreign Service Institute (2013-12 - 2014-07)
Consultant On Intercultural Education, Languages Instructor, Education, Professor in Fondaz Migrantes Asoc Cultura Española E Iberoamericana Garcìa Lorca (2006-01 - 2012-10)
Technical Consultant For The Gender Equality Area in Agencia Andaluza De Cooperaciòn Internacional Para El Desarrollo (2010-11 - 2011-11)
Freelance Translator And Interpreter in Municipality Of Pisa (2009-04 - 2009-08)
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Azzurra Carpo contact information:
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