Azzurra Mastrangelo email & phone information | Production Manager 'John Cooper: Genius And Works' Directed By Giuseppe Bianchi, Media in Ballandi Arts S.R.L (2016-10 - 2016-12)

Azzurra Mastrangelo
Production Manager 'John Cooper: Genius And Works' Directed By Giuseppe Bianchi, Media in Ballandi Arts S.R.L (2016-10 - 2016-12)
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Azzurra Mastrangelo jobs:
Production Manager 'John Cooper: Genius And Works' Directed By Giuseppe Bianchi, Media in Ballandi Arts S.R.L (2016-10 - 2016-12)
Production Coordinator 'Una Posizione Scomoda' Directed By Dario Piana, Media in Devon Cinematografia S.R.L (2015-03 - 2016-09)
Production Coordinator 'Il Piã¹ Forte' Directed By Daniele Napolitano, Media in Ang Film Srl (2016-09 - 2016-09)
Production Coordinator 'Pecore In Erba' Directed By Alberto Caviglia, Media in On My Own Srl (2015-03 - 2015-06)
Production Coordinator 'A Tribute To Iconic Values' For Maison Valentino Directed By Francesco Munzi, Media in Asmara Films Srl (2015-05 - 2015-05)
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Azzurra Mastrangelo contact information:
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