Ba Mary Lee Tuen email & phone information | International Business Development Consultant, Sales, Business_Development in Jia Jia Quality Promotion Fun Pen Shenzhen China (2013-10 - Now)

Ba Mary Lee Tuen
International Business Development Consultant, Sales, Business_Development in Jia Jia Quality Promotion Fun Pen Shenzhen China (2013-10 - Now)
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Ba Mary Lee Tuen jobs:
International Business Development Consultant, Sales, Business_Development in Jia Jia Quality Promotion Fun Pen Shenzhen China (2013-10 - Now)
Sourcing And Trading And 2Nd Party Auditor On Manufacturers In China And Asia in International Trade & Sourcing (2012-01 - Now)
Ilo Certified Mlc 06 Inspector And Trainer, Health, Fitness in Mlc 06 Inspector Training (2009-12 - Now)
Uscg Approved And Mma Lead Instructor, Education, Professor in Maine Maritime Academy (2013-10 - Now)
Lead Instructor Consultant Iso Qa Env Osh Ship Safety Dpa Securitycso Sso Pfso Mlc '06 Inspector, Education, Professor in Ferriby International (2020-01 - Now)
+ 11 more
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