Babak Khorrami email & phone information | Front-End Engineer, Engineering in Amin Smd (2016-08 - Now)

Babak Khorrami
Front-End Engineer, Engineering in Amin Smd (2016-08 - Now)
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Babak Khorrami jobs:
Front-End Engineer, Engineering in Amin Smd (2016-08 - Now)
Technical Manager, Blockchain And Backend Developer, Engineering in Anarestan (2018-04 - Now)
R And D Manager in Persiangig.Com (2015-03 - 2016-08)
Front-End Leader, Senior User Experience Developer, Design, Product_Design in Boshra (2012-06 - 2015-03)
Freelance Developer, Engineering in Nasir Institute Of Higher Education (2012-03 - 2013-11)
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Babak Khorrami contact information:
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