Babak Moradi email & phone information | Technischer Zeichner in Planting Gmbh

Babak Moradi
Technischer Zeichner in Planting Gmbh
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Babak Moradi jobs:
Technischer Zeichner in Planting Gmbh
Independent Structural Detailer in Jondishapour Epc Contractor (2015-01 - Now)
Technical Office Manager, Operations, Office_Management in Poly Sooleh Industrial Group (2014-03 - 2014-09)
Independent Structural Detailer in Jondishapour Epc (2013-03 - 2014-04)
Independent Structural Detailer in Marsous Construction (2012-03 - 2013-04)
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Babak Moradi contact information:
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