Bang Tran email & phone information | It Project Analyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Cigna

Bang Tran (46 years old)
It Project Analyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Cigna
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Bang Tran jobs:
It Project Analyst, Engineering, Information_Technology in Cigna
Staff Accountant, Finance, Accounting in Accel International Holdings (2019-11 - 2020-07)
Inventory Control Coordinator in Teamsports Group, Llc (2018-09 - 2019-09)
Accounting And Funding Specialist, Finance, Accounting in Mccalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, Llc (2014-10 - 2018-09)
Accounting Control Analyst, Finance, Accounting in Citigroup Employee Services (2012-09 - 2014-10)
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Bang Tran locations:
United States, Connecticut, Mansfield Center
United States, Connecticut, Hartford
United States, Connecticut, Meriden
United States, Connecticut, Middletown
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
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Bang Tran contact information:
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