Banu Ozkazanc Pan email & phone information | Director, Early Educator Innovation Lab And Accelerator, Education, Researcher in Umass Boston (2017-05 - Now)

Banu Ozkazanc Pan (49 years old)
Director, Early Educator Innovation Lab And Accelerator, Education, Researcher in Umass Boston (2017-05 - Now)
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Banu Ozkazanc Pan jobs:
Director, Early Educator Innovation Lab And Accelerator, Education, Researcher in Umass Boston (2017-05 - Now)
Founder And Chief Executive Officer in Lunality (2018-06 - Now)
Associate Professor Of Management, Education, Professor in Umass Boston (2016-06 - Now)
Visiting Associate Professor Of Sociology, Education, Professor in Brown University (2017-08 - Now)
Assistant Professor Of Management; Entrepreneurship Center Fellow, Education, Professor in Umass Boston (2008-09 - 2016-05)
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Banu Ozkazanc Pan locations:
*** White Birch Dr, Guilford Ct *****-****
New York, New York, United States
**.******, -***.******
Nm, Rio Rancho, **** Wrangell Loop Ne
Banu Ozkazanc Pan contact information:
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