Baptiste Allafort email & phone information | Ingã Nieur Calcul in Acti'Energy (2017-03 - Now)

Baptiste Allafort
Ingã Nieur Calcul in Acti'Energy (2017-03 - Now)
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Baptiste Allafort jobs:
Ingã Nieur Calcul in Acti'Energy (2017-03 - Now)
Ingã Nieur Calcul in Cts Nord Client Safran Engineering Services (2016-11 - 2016-12)
Ingã Nieur Spã Cialiste Mã Tier Fiabilitã - Durabilitã in Mca Ingénierie Client Renault (2016-09 - 2016-11)
Optimisation Des Mã Thodologies De Simulations Par à Lã Ments Finis Relatives Au Calcul De Structures in Poma (2016-02 - 2016-08)
Caractã Risation Micro-Mã Canique Des Propriã Tã S Ã Lastiques Du Tissu Osseux in Université Paris-Est Créteil (Upec) (2015-06 - 2015-09)
Baptiste Allafort contact information:
2b*******.********@p***.net + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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