Barak Kamelgard email & phone information | Attorney, Legal, Lawyer in Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, Llp (2015-01 - Now)

Barak Kamelgard
Attorney, Legal, Lawyer in Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, Llp (2015-01 - Now)
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Barak Kamelgard jobs:
Attorney, Legal, Lawyer in Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, Llp (2015-01 - Now)
Attorney, Legal, Lawyer in Davis Wright Tremaine Llp (2017-08 - Now)
Contract Attorney, Legal, Lawyer in Fenwick & West
Transactional Entertainment Law Clerk, Legal in Halloran Law Firm (2011-06 - 2014-05)
Legal Intern, Legal in Harder Mirell & Abrams Llp (2014-03 - 2014-04)
+ 7 more
Barak Kamelgard locations:
Los Angeles, California, United States
*** S Elm Dr Apt *, Beverly Hills Ca *****-****
United States, New Jersey, Newark
United States, California, Sherman Oaks
B'West Orange, New Jersey'
+ 12 more
Barak Kamelgard contact information:
5+19*******78 + 4 more
4b*********@y****.com + 3 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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