Barbara Barbosa email & phone information | Events Management Unit, Public_Relations, Events in I3S - Instituto De Investigação E Inovação Em Saúde (2017-04 - Now)

Barbara Barbosa
Events Management Unit, Public_Relations, Events in I3S - Instituto De Investigação E Inovação Em Saúde (2017-04 - Now)
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Barbara Barbosa jobs:
Events Management Unit, Public_Relations, Events in I3S - Instituto De Investigação E Inovação Em Saúde (2017-04 - Now)
Events Management Unit - I3S, Public_Relations, Events
Press And Protocol Officer in Runporto.Com (2016-07 - 2017-03)
Marketing And Communications Intern, Human_Resources in Edp (2014-12 - 2015-12)
Marketing And Communications, Human_Resources in Ces - Comunicação Para A Economia Social (2014-01 - 2014-06)
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Barbara Barbosa contact information:
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