Barbara Cunha email & phone information | Project Management And Technician Transfer Director, Operations, Project_Management in Genibet Biopharmaceuticals (2019-05 - Now)

Barbara Cunha
Project Management And Technician Transfer Director, Operations, Project_Management in Genibet Biopharmaceuticals (2019-05 - Now)
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Barbara Cunha jobs:
Project Management And Technician Transfer Director, Operations, Project_Management in Genibet Biopharmaceuticals (2019-05 - Now)
Gsk Senior Scientist: Cell And Gene Therapy Downstream Process Development in Glaxosmithkline Pharma Gmbh (2016 - 2019-04)
Vector Workstream Lead in Gsk (2017-09 - 2019-04)
Phd Student in Mit Portugal Program (2012 - 2016)
Research Assistant, Education, Researcher in Ibet - Instituto De Biologia Experimental E Tecnológica (2010-09 - 2012)
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Barbara Cunha contact information:
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