Barbara Maier email & phone information | Teacher, Education, Teacher in Goethe-Institut E.V. (2016-12-01 - Now)
Barbara Maier
Teacher, Education, Teacher in Goethe-Institut E.V. (2016-12-01 - Now)
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Barbara Maier jobs:
Teacher, Education, Teacher in Goethe-Institut E.V. (2016-12-01 - Now)
Chief Of The Logistic Department, Human Resources Service Specialist, Operations, Logistics in Seyahan Jewelry (2014-10 - 2015-08)
Sales Assistant And Designer, Sales, Accounts in Seyahan Jewelry (2014-04 - 2014-11)
Teacher Of Mathematics, Crafts, Art And Technical Drawing, Education, Teacher in Josef-Von-Fraunhofer Realschule Munich (2012-09 - 2013-08)
Teacher Of Mathematics And Art, Education, Teacher in Marie-Luise-Fleißer Realschule Munich (2011-09 - 2012-08)
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Barbara Maier contact information:
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