Barbara Martinez email & phone information | Singer in A Palo Seco Flamenco Dance Company (2011 - Now)

Barbara Martinez (48 years old)
Singer in A Palo Seco Flamenco Dance Company (2011 - Now)
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Barbara Martinez jobs:
Singer in A Palo Seco Flamenco Dance Company (2011 - Now)
Singer in Pasion Y Arte Flamenco Company (2005 - Now)
Ethical Culture Fieldston School
Music Teacher, Lower School, Education, Teacher in Ethical Culture Fieldston School (2011-11-01 - Now)
Singer And Dancer in Gerard Edery Ensemble/Spirit Of Sepharad (2002 - 2013)
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Barbara Martinez locations:
**.******, -**.******
B'Los Corales, Falcon, Venezuela'
B'New York, New York'
Ny, New York, *** E **Th St Apt *B
United States, New York, New York
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Barbara Martinez contact information:
4b******@s*************.com + 3 more
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