Barbara Moraes email & phone information | Occupational Therapist, Health, Therapy in Clínica Florescer

Barbara Moraes
Occupational Therapist, Health, Therapy in Clínica Florescer
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Barbara Moraes jobs:
Occupational Therapist, Health, Therapy in Clínica Florescer
Volunteer As A Research Assistant, Education, Researcher in The University Of British Columbia (2016-03 - Now)
Cashier in Nesters Market (2016-04 - 2016-07)
Scientific Initiation Scholarship Pibic And Cnpq in Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais (2013-06 - 2014-12)
Intern in Paulo De Tarso Hospital (2014-10 - 2014-12)
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Barbara Moraes contact information:
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