Barbara Pacheco email & phone information | Administrative Assistant in Golden Heart Ranch (2013-01-01 - Now)

Barbara Pacheco (59 years old)
Administrative Assistant in Golden Heart Ranch (2013-01-01 - Now)
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Barbara Pacheco jobs:
Administrative Assistant in Golden Heart Ranch (2013-01-01 - Now)
Sales And Order Desk, Sales, Accounts in Golden West Trading / Completely Fresh Foods (2007-04 - 2007-12)
Order Desk in M & M Foods (1986-09 - 2004-09)
Barbara Pacheco locations:
United States, California, Lomita
United States, California, Gardena
United States, California, Carson
United States, California, Torrance
United States, California, Lomita
+ 8 more
Barbara Pacheco contact information:
8+13*******70 + 7 more
5b*******@g****.com + 4 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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