Barbara Santana email & phone information | Sã³Cia | Consultora | Palestrante in Duque Treinamentos (2012-10 - Now)

Barbara Santana
Sã³Cia | Consultora | Palestrante in Duque Treinamentos (2012-10 - Now)
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Barbara Santana jobs:
Sã³Cia | Consultora | Palestrante in Duque Treinamentos (2012-10 - Now)
Voluntã Ria Advisor in Junior Achievement Pernambuco (2014-05 - 2014-09)
Marketing, Marketing in Romarco Construtora E Incorporadora (2012-01 - 2012-09)
Rh And Administraã Ã O De Pessoal in Contax (2011-03 - 2011-12)
Rh And Treinamento E Desenvolvimento in Contax (2009-10 - 2011-02)
Barbara Santana contact information:
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