Barbara Santos email & phone information | Tax Lawyer Associate, Legal, Lawyer in Lacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados (2018-06 - Now)

Barbara Santos
Tax Lawyer Associate, Legal, Lawyer in Lacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados (2018-06 - Now)
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Barbara Santos jobs:
Tax Lawyer Associate, Legal, Lawyer in Lacaz Martins, Pereira Neto, Gurevich & Schoueri Advogados (2018-06 - Now)
Tax Associate in Munhoz Advogados
Tax Litigation Associate in Jcmb Advogados E Consultores (2017-07 - 2018-06)
Tax Intern in Rolim, Viotti & Leite Campos Advogados (2016-03 - 2017-02)
Estagiã Ria Contencioso Tributã Rio in Bichara Advogados (2015-10 - 2016-02)
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Barbara Santos contact information:
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