Barbara Suarez email & phone information | Alexander Mcqueen Luxury Accesories Brand Manager in Harrods (2016-03-01 - Now)

Barbara Suarez
Alexander Mcqueen Luxury Accesories Brand Manager in Harrods (2016-03-01 - Now)
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Barbara Suarez jobs:
Alexander Mcqueen Luxury Accesories Brand Manager in Harrods (2016-03-01 - Now)
Department Manager in Mango (2015-05 - 2016-02)
Department Manager Zara in Inditex (2012-01 - 2014-12)
Deputy Manager Zara in Inditex (2011-05 - 2012-01)
Supervisor in French Connection (2010-12 - 2011-05)
+ 1 more
Barbara Suarez contact information:
2b******.******@h******.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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