Bryan Tubbs email & phone information | Field Supervisor, Co-Ordinator, Consultant, Etc

Bryan Tubbs (65 years old)
Field Supervisor, Co-Ordinator, Consultant, Etc
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Bryan Tubbs jobs:
Field Supervisor, Co-Ordinator, Consultant, Etc
Consultant in Independant (2012-08-01 - Now)
Field Supervisor And Crew Chief in Baker Hughes (2004-09 - 2012-07)
Operation Manager, Operations in Coil Tubing Services, A Div. Of Schlumberger (2002-10 - 2003-10)
Started As Assistant Supervisor Aboard The M And V Tausch After 2 Yrs Promoted To Ops.Manager in Nowcam Camco Ct&N2 Services Oilfield Services (1984 - 1998)
+ 1 more
Bryan Tubbs locations:
Tx, Dallas, **** Starcrest Ln
**.******, -**.******
Bryan Tubbs contact information:
2a*******@m**.com + 1 more
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