Bryana Michelle Patton email & phone information | Facilities Coordinator, Operations in Jll

Bryana Michelle Patton (41 years old)
Facilities Coordinator, Operations in Jll
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Bryana Michelle Patton jobs:
Facilities Coordinator, Operations in Jll
Senior Reception Field Lead @ Facebook Austin in Milestone Technologies, Inc. (2012-06 - Now)
Appointment Coordinator And Receptionist And Cashier And Warranty Administrator in Autonation Honda Fremont (2004-09-14 - 2012-06-09)
Cashier And Receptionist in Toyota (2003-06 - 2004-05)
Cashier in Round Table Pizza (1999-05 - 2003-06)
Bryana Michelle Patton locations:
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
*** Desert Isle Dr, San Jose Ca *****-****
United States, California, San Jose
United States, Texas, Austin
Kennewick, Washington, United States
+ 34 more
Bryana Michelle Patton contact information:
29+19*******18 + 28 more
123d****@m***************.com + 122 more
70linkedin + 69 more
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