Bryant Bitar email & phone information | Senior Associate in Cbre (2018-11 - Now)

Bryant Bitar
Senior Associate in Cbre (2018-11 - Now)
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Bryant Bitar jobs:
Senior Associate in Cbre (2018-11 - Now)
President And Owner in Heritage Investments (2007-06 - Now)
Associate in Cbre (2013-10 - 2018-10)
President And Owner in Downtown Domain (2008-07 - 2010-02-28)
Senior Financial Analyst, Finance in The Community Development Trust (2005-05 - 2009-09)
+ 2 more
Bryant Bitar locations:
*** Turnberry Ct, Avon Lake Oh *****-****
Ca, Farmersville, *** W Petunia St
***** Saint Francis Dr
**.******, -***.******
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Bryant Bitar contact information:
3+14*******53 + 2 more
4b**********@g****.com + 3 more
4linkedin + 3 more
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