Ebru Arslan email & phone information | Market And Business Development Leader, Emea - Smart Energy Solutions, Sales, Business_Development in Honeywell (2016-11-01 - Now)

Ebru Arslan
Market And Business Development Leader, Emea - Smart Energy Solutions, Sales, Business_Development in Honeywell (2016-11-01 - Now)
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Ebru Arslan jobs:
Market And Business Development Leader, Emea - Smart Energy Solutions, Sales, Business_Development in Honeywell (2016-11-01 - Now)
Market Development Manager, Automation And Control Solutions in Honeywell (2015-10 - 2016-10)
Marketing And Revenue Management Executive, Sales, Business_Development in Cimsa (2013-01 - 2015-09)
Strategy And Marketing Associate, Marketing in Cimsa (2011-06 - 2013-01)
Project Leader in Kordsa Global (2007-06 - 2011-05)
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Ebru Arslan contact information:
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