Ecevit Yesilyurt email & phone information | Satä Å Mã¼Dã¼Rã¼ And Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Morki̇M Ki̇Mya (2017-07 - Now)

Ecevit Yesilyurt
Satä Å Mã¼Dã¼Rã¼ And Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Morki̇M Ki̇Mya (2017-07 - Now)
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Ecevit Yesilyurt jobs:
Satä Å Mã¼Dã¼Rã¼ And Sales Manager, Sales, Accounts in Morki̇M Ki̇Mya (2017-07 - Now)
Satä Nalma Koordinatã Rã¼ in 404 Ki̇Mya San Ve Ti̇C.A.Ş (2008-09 - Now)
Satä N Alma Å Efi in Bakk_Al Sanal Mağazacilik A.Ş (2007-02 - 2008-04)
Satä Å Mã¼Dã¼R Yardä Mcä Sä in Temsa Mitsubishi Otomoti̇V Yetki̇Li̇ Bayi̇İ-Güneri̇ Kardeşler (2003-11 - 2006-12)
Satä N Alma Å Efi in Polat Renaissance Otel (1999-01 - 2000-01)
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