Evgeny Seliverstov email & phone information | Chief Technology Officer, Engineering in Agro Software (2017-05 - Now)

Evgeny Seliverstov (40 years old)
Chief Technology Officer, Engineering in Agro Software (2017-05 - Now)
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Evgeny Seliverstov jobs:
Chief Technology Officer, Engineering in Agro Software (2017-05 - Now)
Researcher, Education, Researcher in Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Tehniceskij Universitet Im. N.E. Baumana (2009-07 - Now)
Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Undisclosed (2010-12 - Now)
Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Con Certeza
Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Moscow State University (2009-06 - Now)
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Evgeny Seliverstov locations:
Moscow, Moscow City, Russia
Москва, Зелёный Проспект, **К*
Evgeny Seliverstov contact information:
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