Evgeny Volkov email & phone information | Chief Information Officer, Engineering, Information_Technology in Ojsc Corporation Ural Industrial Ural Polar (2012-05 - Now)

Evgeny Volkov (48 years old)
Chief Information Officer, Engineering, Information_Technology in Ojsc Corporation Ural Industrial Ural Polar (2012-05 - Now)
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Evgeny Volkov jobs:
Chief Information Officer, Engineering, Information_Technology in Ojsc Corporation Ural Industrial Ural Polar (2012-05 - Now)
Chief Executive Officer Deputy in As-Telecom (2009-12 - 2012-05)
Business Development Manager Siemens, Sales, Business_Development in Ocs Distribution (2007-05 - 2009-11)
Evgeny Volkov contact information:
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