İLhan Eroencel email & phone information | Machining ,Composite,Using Silicon Tech.,Lower And Upper Extremity Prostheses And Orthoses Prd in Proted - Prosthetics And Orthotics (2014-01 - 2016-11)

İLhan Eroencel
Machining ,Composite,Using Silicon Tech.,Lower And Upper Extremity Prostheses And Orthoses Prd in Proted - Prosthetics And Orthotics (2014-01 - 2016-11)
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İLhan Eroencel jobs:
Machining ,Composite,Using Silicon Tech.,Lower And Upper Extremity Prostheses And Orthoses Prd in Proted - Prosthetics And Orthotics (2014-01 - 2016-11)
Insan Kaynaklarä And Kalite Gã¼Vence Mã¼Dã¼Rã¼ in Hidropol Mühendislik (2010-02 - 2014-08)
Quality System Manager in Tefirom Group (2008-02 - 2010-02)
Qualiì Ty Assurance And Ndt Foreman in Isdemir (2006-06 - 2008-06)
Qc And Ndt Inspector in Tusaş - Türk Havacılık Ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş. / Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (Tai) (1987-01-01 - 2006-06-01)
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İLhan Eroencel contact information:
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