İSmail Canbulat email & phone information | Civil Engineer And Iì Nå Aat Mã¼Hendisi, Engineering in Türkiye (1987 - Now)

İSmail Canbulat
Civil Engineer And Iì Nå Aat Mã¼Hendisi, Engineering in Türkiye (1987 - Now)
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İSmail Canbulat jobs:
Civil Engineer And Iì Nå Aat Mã¼Hendisi, Engineering in Türkiye (1987 - Now)
Marmaray Cr3 Projesiì , Avrasya Consult And Yuksel Proje A.Å 'De Kontrol Mã¼Hendisi in Yüksel Project International (2017-07 - Now)
Stations Construction Consultant Supervisor At Yuksel Project Int And üSkã¼Dar-à Ekmekã Y Metro Cons, Trades in Yüksel Project International (2015-06 - 2017-05)
Assist.-Pm And Cons Manager, Civil Engineer At Restoration And Reconstruction Of The Ottoman Riwaqs, Engineering in Güryapı İNşaat Ksa-Makkah (2014-01 - 2015-03)
Stations Construction Consultant Supervisor At Yuksel Project Int And üSkã¼Dar-à Ekmekã Y Metro Cons, Trades in Yüksel Proje Uluslararası A.Ş Emay A.Ş İŞ Ort İStanbul (2012 - 2013)
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