İSmet Onur Besti̇L email & phone information | Kalite Kontrol Sorumlusu in Ayd Steering And Suspension Parts (2018-09 - Now)

İSmet Onur Besti̇L
Kalite Kontrol Sorumlusu in Ayd Steering And Suspension Parts (2018-09 - Now)
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İSmet Onur Besti̇L jobs:
Kalite Kontrol Sorumlusu in Ayd Steering And Suspension Parts (2018-09 - Now)
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Kalite Kontrol -Arge-üRetim in Sekizli Makine & Vinç A.Ş (2012-02 - 2013-09)
Cnc Iì Å Leme Merkezi Programcä in Yavuzsan Wod Brake Disc& Brake Drums (2006-09 - 2010-11)
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