İZber Barın email & phone information | Nefes Ve Yaå Am Koã U in Simurg Nefes Ve Yaşam Merkezi

İZber Barın
Nefes Ve Yaå Am Koã U in Simurg Nefes Ve Yaşam Merkezi
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İZber Barın jobs:
Nefes Ve Yaå Am Koã U in Simurg Nefes Ve Yaşam Merkezi
It Consultant, Web Site Designer, Social Media Facilitator, Engineering, Information_Technology in My English Club Istanbul (2015-05 - Now)
Freelance - Analysis And Software Development And Testing In Gsk Cerps W7 Data Migration Project, Engineering, Software in Gsk (2014-01 - 2014-09)
System Analyst And Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Teori Bilgisayar (2003-08 - 2007-02)
Senior Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Temmuz Danismanlik (2000-05 - 2003-07)
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İZber Barın contact information:
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