Jacalyn Hoffer email & phone information | Associate Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Cengage Learning (2016-04 - Now)

Jacalyn Hoffer
Associate Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Cengage Learning (2016-04 - Now)
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Jacalyn Hoffer jobs:
Associate Software Developer, Engineering, Software in Cengage Learning (2016-04 - Now)
Html And Css Designer, Design in Riis Llc (2013-03 - Now)
Part-Time Customer Experience Associate in Gap Inc./Old Navy (2012-11 - 2013-04)
Graphic Designer, Design, Graphic_Design in Contxt Corp (2012-12 - 2012-12)
Freelance Web Designer, Design, Web_Design in Jmhofferdesigns.Com (2012-09 - 2012-11)
+ 5 more
Jacalyn Hoffer locations:
**** Bonita Dr, Waterford Mi *****-****
Detroit, Michigan, United States
Jacalyn Hoffer contact information:
2+12*******92 + 1 more
2h*********@a**.net + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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