Jacek Jaca Wiśniewsky email & phone information | Operator Kamery, Operations in Polsat Tv4 Stop Drogówka

Jacek Jaca Wiśniewsky (42 years old)
Operator Kamery, Operations in Polsat Tv4 Stop Drogówka
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Jacek Jaca Wiśniewsky jobs:
Operator Kamery, Operations in Polsat Tv4 Stop Drogówka
Wå Aå Ciciel Firmy, Operator Kamery, Montaå¼Ysta, Fotograf, Operations in Jp Movie Studio Produkcje Filmowe I Telewizyjne (2007 - Now)
Operator Filmowy And Montaå¼Ysta, Operations in Wisniewsky Film Design Produkcje Filmowe I Telewizyjne (2007-01-31 - Now)
Operator Kamery And Montaå¼Ysta, Operations in Polsat Tv4 Stop Drogówka John&Paul Movie Studio (2010-11 - Now)
Operator Kamery And Montaå¼Ysta, Operations in Telewizja Białystok (2007-01-01 - 2013-12-31)
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Jacek Jaca Wiśniewsky contact information:
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