Jacek Lech email & phone information | Business Development Manager At Murex, Sales, Business_Development in Murex (2013-11-01 - Now)

Jacek Lech
Business Development Manager At Murex, Sales, Business_Development in Murex (2013-11-01 - Now)
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Jacek Lech jobs:
Business Development Manager At Murex, Sales, Business_Development in Murex (2013-11-01 - Now)
Risk Management Solutions Sales, Acct Manager Poland, Czech And Slovak Republic, Sales, Accounts in Misys (2012-07 - 2013-10)
Risk Management Solutions Sales Manager Poland, Czech And Slovak Republic, Baltics And Finland, Sales, Accounts in Turaz (2012-02 - 2012-07)
Risk Management Solutions Sales Manager Poland, Czech And Slovak Rep., Baltics And Finland, Sales, Accounts in Thomson Reuters (1999-06 - 2012-01)
Head Of Fixed Income in Bank Handlowy (1991-02 - 1999-06)
Jacek Lech contact information:
2j****.****@t*************.com + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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