Jacek Wojdel email & phone information | Python Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Skyscanner (2015-02 - Now)

Jacek Wojdel
Python Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Skyscanner (2015-02 - Now)
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Jacek Wojdel jobs:
Python Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Skyscanner (2015-02 - Now)
Engineering Manager, Engineering in Skyscanner (2018-10 - Now)
Seasoned Python Ninja in Hotel Ninjas (2014-06 - 2014-11)
Jae-Doc Research Fellow, Education, Researcher in Icmab - Uab (2008-07 - 2014-06)
Beatriu De Pinos Fellow in University Of Barcelona (2006 - 2010-08)
+ 1 more
Jacek Wojdel contact information:
3j.*.******@g****.com + 2 more
3github + 2 more
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