Jacinta Clusellas email & phone information | Composer - Guitarist - Arranger in Www.Jacintaclusellas.Com (2010 - Now)

Jacinta Clusellas (44 years old)
Composer - Guitarist - Arranger in Www.Jacintaclusellas.Com (2010 - Now)
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Jacinta Clusellas jobs:
Composer - Guitarist - Arranger in Www.Jacintaclusellas.Com (2010 - Now)
Researcher, Education, Researcher in Matenadaran Institute Of Ancient Manuscripts (2004-09 - Now)
Advisor To The Minister in Ministry Of Culture Of Armenia (2006 - Now)
Teaching Artist For Very Young Composers in New York Philharmonic (2016-01 - Now)
Music Educators Workshop Participant, Education in Carnegie Hall (2016-09 - Now)
+ 9 more
Jacinta Clusellas locations:
B'Buenos Aires, Argentina'
B'Brooklyn, New York'
United States, Massachusetts, Somerville
Jacinta Clusellas contact information:
2+16*******14 + 1 more
2j***************@g****.com + 1 more
5linkedin + 4 more
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