Jyaphia Christos Rodgers email & phone information | SHOREline Program, Youth Helping Youth Recover from Disasters

Jyaphia Christos Rodgers (63 years old)
SHOREline Program, Youth Helping Youth Recover from Disasters
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Jyaphia Christos Rodgers jobs:
SHOREline Program, Youth Helping Youth Recover from Disasters
Core Organizer And Trainer, Health, Fitness in Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training (2009-08 - Now)
Adjunct Professor, Education, Professor in Tulane University (2013-08 - Now)
National Organizer And Facilitator, Operations in Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training (2018-10 - Now)
Field Coordinator And Consultant in National Center For Disaster Preparedness Columbia University (2009-10 - 2018-09)
+ 2 more
Jyaphia Christos Rodgers locations:
**.*******, -**.*******
B'New Orleans, Louisiana'
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
La, New Orleans, **** Panola St
Jyaphia Christos Rodgers contact information:
2+15*******78 + 1 more
2j******@a**.com + 1 more
4facebook + 3 more
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