Jyothsna Reddy email & phone information | Senior Technical Consultant in Tech Mahindra Bpo Limited (2018-09 - Now)

Jyothsna Reddy
Senior Technical Consultant in Tech Mahindra Bpo Limited (2018-09 - Now)
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Jyothsna Reddy jobs:
Senior Technical Consultant in Tech Mahindra Bpo Limited (2018-09 - Now)
Freelance Recruiter, Human_Resources, Recruiting in Us It Staffing (2013-12 - 2018-03)
Account Coordinator in The Hackett Group (2010-12 - 2012-12)
Customer Support Executive, Voice Process, Customer_Service, Support in Ge Capital (2009-09 - 2010-07)
Voice Technician Support, Customer_Service, Support in Wipro Bpo (2008-04 - 2009-02)
+ 1 more
Jyothsna Reddy contact information:
2p********@y****.co.in + 1 more
2linkedin + 1 more
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