Kalpana Thatte email & phone information | Attendance Clerk in Berryessa Union School Dist

Kalpana Thatte (37 years old)
Attendance Clerk in Berryessa Union School Dist
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Kalpana Thatte jobs:
Attendance Clerk in Berryessa Union School Dist
Instructional Coach in Berryessa Union School District (2013-07 - Now)
Elementary School Principal, Education, Education_Administration in Berryessa Union School Dist (2015-08 - Now)
School Counselor in Berryessa Union School Dist (2006 - Now)
Purchasing Manager, Finance, Accounting in Berryessa Union School Dist (2001-07 - Now)
+ 29 more
Kalpana Thatte locations:
United States, California, Valencia
United States, Georgia, Morrow
United States, Georgia, Wrens
**** Tampa Way, San Jose, Ca
United States, Georgia, Stockbridge
+ 15 more
Kalpana Thatte contact information:
5+14*******56 + 4 more
20b*******@b***.net + 19 more
27linkedin + 26 more
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