Kalpesh Zinjuwadia email & phone information | Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Google (2018-02 - Now)

Kalpesh Zinjuwadia (44 years old)
Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Google (2018-02 - Now)
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Kalpesh Zinjuwadia jobs:
Software Engineer, Engineering, Software in Google (2018-02 - Now)
Senior Technical Leader, Engineering, Engineering in Cisco (2010-11 - 2018-01)
Staff Engineer, Engineering in Force10 Networks (2004-06 - 2010-11)
Graduate Research Assistant, Education, Researcher in The University Of Kansas (2002-11 - 2004-06)
Summer Intern in Patwa Kinnarivala Electronics (2001-05 - 2001-07)
Kalpesh Zinjuwadia locations:
United States, Kansas, Lawrence
**** Osuna Pl, San Jose Ca *****-****
Pasitos School, *** Sonora Ave, San Jose Ca *****-****
San Francisco, California, United States
Pasitos School, *** Harrison Ave, Campbell Ca *****-****
+ 7 more
Kalpesh Zinjuwadia contact information:
9+14*******00 + 8 more
6j*******.**********@u*******.ca + 5 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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