Kam Truhn email & phone information | Laboratory Manager in Phycotech (2016-05 - Now)

Kam Truhn
Laboratory Manager in Phycotech (2016-05 - Now)
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Kam Truhn jobs:
Laboratory Manager in Phycotech (2016-05 - Now)
Research Technician And Lab Manager, Education, Researcher in Fordham University (2005-06 - 2016-05)
Senior Guide And Instructor, Education, Professor in Manhattan Kayak Company (2011 - 2015)
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Taxonomist in Great Lakes Environmental Center (2004 - 2005)
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Central Michigan University (2002-08 - 2004-12)
+ 2 more
Kam Truhn locations:
*** Lewis Ave, Saint Joseph Mi *****-****
United States, Michigan, Saint Joseph
United States, Michigan, Traverse City
Saint Joseph, Michigan, United States
United States, Michigan, Saint Joseph
+ 7 more
Kam Truhn contact information:
2+19*******52 + 1 more
3f*******@y****.com + 2 more
3linkedin + 2 more
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