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Katia Fernandes
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Katia Fernandes jobs:
Contadora in Cmaa - Usina Vale Do Tijuco (2017-08 - Now)
Gerente De Controladoria in Multi-Ar (2016-01 - 2017-06)
Contadora Tributã Ria in Cmaa - Usina Vale Do Tijuco (2012-09 - 2015-12)
Analista Contã Bil Senior in Araguaia Engenharia Ltda (2007-02 - 2012-09)
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Katia Fernandes contact information:
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Other profiles
Katia Fernandes
Journalist, Media, Journalism in Entre Brasucas
Katia Fernandes
Control Touch
Katia Fernandes
Proprietã Rio in In Pacto Consultoria De Imagem E Marketing Pessoal
Katia Fernandes
Corretora De Imoveis in Kf Imóveis
Katia Fernandes
Professora, Education, Professor in Pref M Br
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Analista Contã Bil in Saint-Gobain
Katia Fernandes
Regional Human Resources Director, Human_Resources
Katia Fernandes
Op De Caixa in Zuken Vip
Katia Fernandes
Projetista in Projecta.Construir
Katia Fernandes
Analista De Atendimento Jãºnior in Crefisa
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