Katia Guimaraes email & phone information | International Trade And Logistics Manager, Operations, Logistics in Atlantico Sul Ihi Shipbuilding Group (2013-09 - Now)

Katia Guimaraes (26 years old)
International Trade And Logistics Manager, Operations, Logistics in Atlantico Sul Ihi Shipbuilding Group (2013-09 - Now)
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Katia Guimaraes jobs:
International Trade And Logistics Manager, Operations, Logistics in Atlantico Sul Ihi Shipbuilding Group (2013-09 - Now)
Business Development Manager, Sales, Business_Development in Novo Atacarejo
Category Manager And Import And Export Executive in Nextor Consultoria De Gestão Empresarial (2010-01 - 2013-07)
Category Manager in Albertsons (2007-03 - 2009-05)
Assistant Category Manager in Albertsons (2005-10 - 2007-04)
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Katia Guimaraes contact information:
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